Real Property Management Instant Equity – Tampa

Make Move-In Easier for Your Renters

One other matter that sets a great Mount Pleasant property manager apart from the rest is going the extra mile to make move-in as easy as possible for your new renter. To that end, it’s important to welcome your renter to their new rental home and provide them with the essential information they’ll need to make a smooth transition. By providing move-in tips for your renters, you can build positive relations and good communication from day one and demonstrate that you care about your renter’s comfort and well-being. When a renter feels that their landlord genuinely cares about them, they are much more likely to put more effort into keeping their rental home clean and in good condition. It’s a win-win!

Send a Welcome Letter

There are many things that a renter needs to know to settle into their new home quickly. You can make this entire process easier – and generate some goodwill – by arranging a welcome letter for your renter that comprises the most important information they will need.

For example, lots of renters need to set up utilities in their name when they move into a new rental home. This data could take time and frustration to track down on their own. Instead, why not include a list of the local utility providers and their contact information in your welcome letter? You could also list which day garbage pick-up falls on and other pertinent details. Providing this information to your renter is a small gesture they will appreciate very much.

Move-In Checklist

It’s also a good idea to include a move-in checklist where the renter can document the property’s current condition. Not only is it helpful papers to have on hand when your current renter moves out, but it can similarly make your current renters feel secure that their security deposit won’t be charged for damage they didn’t inflict. By proving yourself to be an honest and trustworthy property owner, you can gain your renter’s trust and encourage them to be a partner in protecting your valuable property.

Mailbox Matters

An extra important detail a renter will need to know is how to get a mailbox key, if one needs to be provided to them, and where the mailbox is located. While some properties have mailboxes installed in the yard, others may have locked mailboxes down the street or even at a distance from the rental property itself. Place all mail-related information in your welcome letter to make your renter’s move-in experience easier. That way, your renter won’t need to devote time tracking down information about the mail delivery service at their new address. Consider listing the website for the US Postal Service’s address change tool. While your renter can probably find this information, why not show them that you are considering their needs even before the questions arise?

Encourage Communication

After all, if your lease documents don’t already do so, be sure to explain in detail how your renter can get ahold of you, what the projected response time is, and how they should pay rent and report maintenance issues. Even though you have these instructions in your lease, it doesn’t hurt to copy them into your welcome letter, too. Lease documents can be overwhelming for some renters, who may not know where to look or how to read them. It is best to have information renters will use most often in more than one place for easy reference. Renters are far more likely to adhere to your communication preferences and pay their rent on time when they know what to do and clearly understand the expectations.

Because move-in day can be chaotic, send your welcome letter and information at least a week before the day arrives. That will give your renter time to read the information carefully and get set up in their new rental home more quickly.


Good renter relations are an integral part of effective property management. But then it can also take time, detracting from other things you could be doing to build your real estate business. Why not let the Mount Pleasant property management professionals do it for you? At Real Property Management Instant Equity, we make renter relations a top priority. Contact us online today to learn more about this and the other great services we offer!